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Meet the Seattle Children’s CMNH Team: Kira Haller

Each and every amazing institution is built upon a solid foundation, thankfully at the heart of our CMNH team we have a rock solid leader! Today we have the pleasure of introducing our fearless, passionate director of the Seattle Children’s Hospital Children’s Miracle Network program, Kira Haller.

Kira has been with the Children’s Miracle Network team at Seattle Children’s for an amazing seventeen years, and when asked what brought her to this line of work, it was all about the people she gets to work with.

“I love the mission of helping patient families through philanthropy.

Throughout her many years with the program, Kira’s favorite part about Children’s Miracle Network is the chance to interact with those that benefit the most from our CMNH team’s hard work, the patients and their families.

“Meeting patient families – they are so inspiring.  They help me keep my perspective and inspire me to work harder to raise more.

Thank you for seventeen years of helping our patients and their families Kira! Seattle Children’s Hospital is so grateful to have your outstanding leadership and unwavering compassion!


Kira Haller (floral shirt in the center) and her team accept an award at a CMN Conference for Top Large Market Fund Increase in May, 2018.